Campaign logoOur partners at San Diego Audubon have started a campaign to help migratory birds, like the birds who visit Rose Creek.

Lights Out, San Diego! is a campaign to build awareness about how light pollution impacts migrating birds and other wildlife. San Diego is located on the Pacific Flyway and every year during the fall and spring migration seasons, millions of birds fly over San Diego every night.


Through the Lights Out, San Diego! campaign, we encourage everyone to turn off non-essential lighting from the hours of 11 p.m to 6 a.m during the migration season to provide darker skies for these nocturnal migrants. Will you take the Lights Out, San Diego!  Pledge?


Campaign Spanish Logo¡Apaga las luces, San Diego! es una campaña para crear conciencia sobre como la contaminación de la luz impacta a las aves migratorias y a la fauna silvestre.  ¡A través de la campaña apaga las luces, San Diego! Alentamos a todos apagar las luces no esenciales de 11 PM hasta las 6 AM, durante la temporada de migración, para proporcionar cielos mas oscuros para los migrantes nocturnos. ¡Apaga las luces, San Diego! ¿Prometes?

Learn more in English or aprende más en Español.

Categories: Our Community


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