The City of San Diego has released the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for their vision of redevelopment for the mouth of Rose Creek. The Friends of Rose Creek is 100% behind the ReWild Mission Bay Plan — a grass roots vision for restoring wetlands and upland habitats to insure that an additional 80 acres of wetlands remain by 2100. Historically Mission Bay had over 4,000 acres of wetlands that provided habitat for thousands of migratory birds, baby fish, sea mammals, and all the small critters that leave in the salt marsh.
The De Anza Natural Plan is not optimal from our perspective because all the proposed wetlands are not situated along Rose Creek. The plan is currently slated to go to City Council in May. Check out our calendar for details.
Please check out the City’s plans on their website.
Then compare that to the ReWild Mission Bay plan.
Visit our Calendar for upcoming opportunities to provide public input.