The Friends of Rose Creek is heart broken that San Diego City Council, despite multiple opportunities, declined to include park dedication for Rose Creek as part of the Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan approval.

A huge shout out to Councilmember Chris Ward who added language to the Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan to direct funding towards Rose Creek. We are grateful to Council President Georgette Gόmez and Council President Pro Tem Barbara Bry for doubling-down on their questioning of City staff on why Rose Creek was excluded from the plan. Councilmember Monica Montgomery asked City staff to explain why Rose Creek could not be a park and City staff were unable to provide a substantive response. Councilmember Scott Sherman graciously offered to provided guidance to City staff on grant opportunities for Rose Creek.

While Rose Creek did not obtain the protections that are so long overdue, most of the public testimony, both for and against the Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan, included an ask from City Council to dedicate the portion of Rose Creek in the Mission Bay Park Improvement Fund Zone (between Mission Bay Drive and Grand Avenue) as park. Rose Creek dominated the hearing and that is testimony to all the people in San Diego who truly care about Rose Creek. From the over six-hundred of you who signed the petition, to the multitudes who emailed and/or called City Council, and the brave souls who ventured down to City Hall today and spoke or ceded time for others to speak on why Rose Creek should become a park, I am proud to be associated with you.

Each and everyone of you are my heroes. I look forward to the day when our Mayor, and hence City staff, work for “we the people” instead of the development interests and create quality projects that enhance our communities.

Various members of the Friends of Rose Creek and the ReWild Mission Bay Coalition were interviewed by KPBS News, Channel 8 News, Fox 5 News, Beach & Bay Press, and KUSI news. Check out this great summary by ReWild Mission Bay.

Categories: Rose Creek


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