A huge thank you to everyone who submitted feedback to the De Anza Revitalization Plan.
At the current time, it is our understanding that the next steps are for the project planners to present the two alternatives before the Mission Bay Park Committee on September 5 as an action item. The Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m., at various locations. For details on the committee, click here.
Please save the date and plan on being at this meeting. Wildlife and habitat are depending on you to speak out for their right to exist. For more thoughts on the rights of plants and animals, read Corporate Personhood for Trees, Rivers, and Nature for what we can do to protect the non-human world until nature’s rights are established in the U.S.A.
Look for details in our September 2017 newsletter.
For more information on the project, visit the De Anza project website.