Earlier this month the City of San Diego and the project planners for the Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan held project workshops in Clairemont and Pacific Beach.

balboaavestationnewThe City of San Diego is developing a specific plan for the area around the future trolley station at Balboa Avenue. The purpose of this plan is to engage the Pacific Beach and Clairemont Mesa communities and develop a strategy that addresses land use, urban design concepts, and multi-modal improvements to increase bicycle, pedestrian, and transit access to the station. This plan will also establish goals and policies to guide future public and private development to facilitate transit-oriented development (TOD) adjacent to the planned Balboa Avenue Trolley Station, and identify strategies to fund infrastructure improvements.

The Friends of Rose Creek encourages you to include the following points in your comments:

  • A major gap in this project is connectivity between the Rose Creek Bike Path and Olney Street for accessing destinations west of the trolley station. This area encompasses the majority of the Pacific Beach community. Due to high volumes of traffic traveling at high rates of speed, it is very hard to navigate the area between the Rose Creek Bike Path and Olney Street safely. We also oppose any new bridges over Rose Creek.
  • Many members of the community feel the best location for a pedesterian and bicycle bridge over the I-5 would be to extend Magnolia Street east of Mission Bay Drive through APN 4241410900 to I-5 where a bridge could be located. This would give users easy access to the Rose Creek Bike Path. Any bridge across I-5 to the trolley station will encounter some requirement to obtain right-of-way and this location is the best one. The City could incentivise a mixed use development in this location that could be a win/win for the property owners and the public while provide housing density adjacent to the trolley station.

To view the project design concepts and make comments, please visit the project website by the end of November and make your voice heard.




Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Peter Ward · November 18, 2016 at 10:24 AM

I agree with the Friends of Rose Creek comments re connectivity between the Rose Creek Bike Path and Olney Street for accessing destinations west of the trolley station and the best location for a pedesterian and bicycle bridge over the I-5 would be to extend Magnolia Street east of Mission Bay Drive through APN 4241410900 to I-5 where a bridge could be located.

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