The Friends of Rose Creek have been working on removing Castor Bean from the banks of Rose Creek in Pacific Beach and want to continue the effort at Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 17 from 9 a.m. until noon. Click here for details.
Castor bean displaces native plant species in riparian areas and drainages. Its seeds are among the first to germinate following fire. Plants colonize disturbed areas, and they grow rapidly, shading out native seeds and seedlings and producing monospecific stands in areas with previously healthy native vegetation.
Castor bean seeds are highly toxic to humans and animals as well. During Coastal Cleanup Day we want to remove all the pods from the castor bean plants between the Mike Gotch Bridge and I-5. Once the pods are removed, we want to cut the plant off at the stem.
We are looking for a 4-6 person team of adults who wants to be the Team Castor Bean Warriors! If this sounds like something you are interested in taking on, please email us at info at save rose creek dot org. It’s easy work, but wearing long sleeves and long pants is a great idea. So is wearing gloves.
For more information on this invasive non-native, click here.