The City of San Diego needs your help to develop new strategies for improving water quality in our region. The City, working with other agencies responsible for protecting local watersheds, is developing new Water Quality Improvement Plans that will include strategies for identifying and addressing high priority water quality concerns.
In the Mission Bay & La Jolla watersheds, the City will be working with the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) to draft the new plan.
The City also needs the public’s help to ensure the new Water Quality Improvement Plans will be as strong and successful as possible. The plan development process is required by new storm water regulations adopted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The regulations demand a broad public participation process and a solicitation of data, information, and recommendations, all of which will be incorporated into final plans submitted to the Board by June 27, 2015.
Public comments are now being accepted and must be submitted no later than 5 PM on Friday, June 13. Comments should be sent to:
Wayne Chiu, P.E.
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region
2375 Northside Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108-2700
Electronic written comments are encouraged and should be submitted via e-mail to the attention of Wayne Chiu.
The documents are available from the following links (all documents are PDF):
The Friends of Rose Creek will be posting recommended talking points. If you want to comment, but do not have the time to read through a few hundred pages of documents, you can use recommendations, which we will make available here the first week of June.