The City of San Diego, together with other responsible agencies, needs your help to develop new strategies for improving water quality in the San Diego Region. A Water Quality Improvement Plan is being developed for the Mission Bay & La Jolla Watersheds that will include strategies for identifying and addressing high priority water quality concerns in this area. We need public input and ideas to make this plan as strong as possible and want to hear from you about how to do that.
Editoral note: What this project calls the “Mission Bay Watershed” includes the “Rose Creek Watershed” and Tecolote Canyon drainages. For more information on the Rose Creek Watershed, click here.
The new plan will be developed following a two year public input process and consideration by stakeholders in the Mission Bay & La Jolla Watersheds. The plan is being developed by the agencies responsible for protecting water quality in the Mission Bay & La Jolla Watersheds, including the City of San Diego and the California Department of Transportation.
You can visit the Project Clean Water Website for more information about the planning process and about the new storm water regulations.
The first workshop for the Mission Bay & La Jolla Watersheds will be held:
Saturday, September 7th, 2013
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Linda Vista Library
2160 Ulric Street, San Diego, CA 92111