The Friends of Rose Creek are a community group working in the lower watershed. What is a watershed you ask?
A watershed is the area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place. And that one place is Mission Bay Park.
The Rose Creek Watershed Alliance is a collective of individuals and community groups (like this one) that are working to protect the watershed.
The main natural features that make up this 23,427-acre or 36 square mile-watershed in San Diego County, California include Rose and San Clemente canyons and their tributary canyons including Stevenson and Lakehurst canyons in western Clairemont Mesa. The Rose Creek Watershed drains to the 4,235.6-acre Mission Bay Park in eastern Pacific Beach where Rose Creek meets the ocean. While approximately 100,000 people live in the watershed, these natural urban canyons are also accessible to hundreds of thousands of people that work and/or recreate in the watershed.
The Spring 2012 newsletter is available on-line. Some highlights from this issue of the newsletter:
“”Sense of Wonder” Project is designed to provide experiences for schoolchildren that inspire a lifelong sense of wonder through guided nature walks in nearby canyons. ”
“A variety of wildlife use the natural areas and canyons within the Rose Creek Watershed everyday, but they’re often hard to see. That’s where the San Diego Tracking Team (SDTT) comes in. This group of volunteers conducts wildlife surveys along trails throughout the County. ”
“Volunteers took part in “Love Your Wetlands Day” to help restore the marsh to better support endangered birds such as the Light-footed clapper rail. ”