The Friends of Rose Creek work closely with San Diego Canyonlands to protect and preserve our open spaces. Canyonlands has worked extremely hard to get portions of Rose Creek poised to be dedicate parkland. By supporting this appeal by San Diego Canyonlands, you will be helping portions of lower Rose Creek — including the section from I-5 to Grand Avenue adjacent to the Rose Creek Cottage and the Native Plant Garden as well as other sections of the creek.
Currently the stretch of Rose Creek from the end of Marian Bear Park (just south of the Karl Strauss Brewery) to Grand Avenue in Pacific Beach is NOT A PARK and therfore is not managed to enhance environmental and/or recreational purposes. We need your help to make it a park. If you do one thing for Rose Creek this year, your donation today will insure that Rose Creek remains a place for bird watching, bike riding and wildlife for your children’s, children’s children.
The message below is supported 10,000% by the Friends of Rose Creek and comes from San Diego Canyonlands, a 501(c)(3) and is a tax deductible donation. Remember you won’t only be helping Rose Creek but canyons and creeks across the City of San Diego.
*****Forwarded Appeal*********
Dear Friend of San Diego’s Canyons and Open Space,
San Diego Canyonlands (SDCL) has been working hard for three years to facilitate a public process that will result in milestone legislation to dedicate ~10,000 acres of city-owned open space. We need your contribution to finish our work and get the job done this year.
Thank you for your action! Your letter to Mayor Sanders and City Council asking them to sponsor the required state legislation for dedication of the land worked! We generated 780 letters from individuals like you and in January, the Mayor agreed and City Council voted to sponsor the legislation! In February Senator Christine Kehoe introduced Dedication Bill SB 1169 in the California Senate. On April 12, it passed the Senate unanimously! (See February 25 UT Dedication Bill Article for details.)
We need your help to see this effort through to a vote on Dedication by the City Council in 2012.
If the City Council does not decide what land will be dedicated by SB 1169, the bill will expire at the end of the year and the process will have to start over. We won’t have Senator Kehoe’s expertise in Sacramento because she terms out this year. Also, our new City Council or new Mayor might not be willing to dedicate the land!
Are your community’s precious open spaces dedicated? Or are they still vulnerable to being sold or converted to non-open-space or non-parkland uses? San Diego Canyonlands has produced maps showing proposed lands for dedication in 42 planning areas throughout the city. You can visit our website and follow the links to the maps for your planning group area.
Click here: San Diego Open Space Dedication Info.
As a result of our presentations, most Planning Groups and Citizen Advisory Committees are supporting the dedication of land in their respective areas. This is the kind of support our elected officials will want to see before they ratify SB 1169. We have come a long way, but we need $7000 to make presentations to more Planning Groups, city committees, the Park and Recreation Board, and the City Council. We will also need to oppose any pushback from the building and real estate industries.
Dedication is strong protection for our open spaces and canyons, requiring a two-thirds majority vote on a ballot measure in order to reverse it and allow conversion to non-park use. Dedication is the culmination of decades of purposeful planning by San Diego’s visionary urban planners and it locks in the efforts of community advocates who fought over the years to save their neighborhood canyons.
Please make a generous donation today to secure our city’s canyon lands legacy.
Please send a check to: San Diego Canyonlands, 3552 Bancroft St., San Diego, CA 92104 or click here to donate online: Donate To San Diego Canyonlands. Thank you!
Eric Busboom
San Diego Canyonlands