Update 1/6/12 @ 7 PM
Due to the high level of letters, the amazing work of San Diego Canyonlands and a tight schedule, Mayor Sanders is including dedication in his priority state legislative package! Therefore the Dedication item at Jan. 11 Rules Committee Meeting is canceled and going straight to the full City Council on Jan. 23 or 24. Please stay tuned for the date and time.

*******January 3, 2012 Post********************

When you look at a Google Earth birds-eye comparison between Los Angeles and San Diego, you see that San Diego has successfully conserved a good deal of our unique natural landforms. San Diego Canyonlands has been working on preserving our neighborhood open spaces. Before us is a chance to dedicate approximately 10,000 acres of our precious open spaces and galvanize decades of purposeful planning and advocacy. Dedicated land cannot be sold, and dedication protects the land from conversion to non-open space or parkland use. It requires a 2/3 vote by San Diego’s voters to reverse. Dedication prevents the natural land from being nibbled away as our city grows over the decades. We believe, with your support, this City Council will dedicate some 10,000 acres of City-owned land in 2012. On January 11, the Rules Committee (a sub-committee of City Council, chaired by Council President Tony Young) will decide whether to make dedication a legislative priority this year.

Rose Creek from I-5 going downstream to Mission Bay Park is included in this effort!  But we need your help.  If we all support this effort, Rose Creek can continue to be an urban oasis and home to Osprey, Great Blue Herons and many species of ducks.

Which do you prefer?
Please send a letter to the City Council to support this effort. For an easy to send letter and supplimentary information,  click here — or call your City Council Representative today. Every contact will help to preserve San Diego’s open spaces for our grandchildren’s grandchildren.

If you’re available on January 11 to attend the hearing, the more supporters we have in the room, the more likely our success! If you are planning to attend, please email SDCL or call Karin at 858-405-7503 for details.

Categories: Uncategorized


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