This month’s Friends of Rose Creek meeting will instead be a Rose Creek Watershed Alliance meeting of which we are a member group.
The Rose Creek Watershed Opportunities Assessment was approved by the San Diego City Council recently and Proposition C passed so there are a lot of new opportunities on the horizon. The chair of the meeting will be the consultant working for San Diego Earth Works who so brilliantly got a diverse group of community groups and government agencies to agree. So there’s won’t be an agenda for us.
Some things that will be discussed include San Diego Earth Work has already received a grant to complete the hydro study. We are scoping that work now. One of our goals is to run one or two “what if” scenarios as part of that study such as what if X amount of concrete channel were removed from the watershed; what other changes in the watershed would be required to make certain flooding didn’t occur?
Another scenario might address creating improved trail access in Marian Bear. Its time to brainstorm!
Pacific Beach Recreation Center, 1405 Diamond Street (one block south of Ingraham @ Gresham/Diamond) Enter on Gresham St.
~~ Meeting Agenda ~~
1. Introductions ( Group )
2. Active Transportation Campaign (Kathy Keehan)
3. Assessment Updates (Ann Van Leer/Group)
a. Assessment approved 10/21
b. Tour 10/31
c. Hydrology Study Scoping
— Modeling Alternatives
d. CEQA Processing Invasives/Brewster case
e. Trail Planning
4. Other Watershed Updates (Group)
For more information, contact Karin 858-405-7503 or email Ann, the project consultant.