This season, we all have our hands full with elections and who or what we are going to vote for or against.
The Friends of Rose Creek have not made any endorsements. That being said, there are two propositions that have direct impacts to Rose Creek.
Proposition C – City of San Diego
Amends The Charter To Designate The Use Of Lease Revenue From Mission Bay Park City of San Diego. This proposition directly impacts Rose Creek by considering the lower portion of Rose Creek as one of the designated funding recipients of the additional funds should this proposition pass.
However, despite numerous meetings where people in attendance discussed the issue, no consensus was reached to support it or oppose it. The opinions included but are not limited to:
- # something is better than nothing
- # in theory we like this
- # concerns about legal challenges
- # lack of clarity on the distinction between Mission Bay Park and the Mission Bay Trust
- # confusion in the measure over what leasehold revenue would be included and what wouldn’t
- # a lack of community involvement in wording the proposition.
Proposition 1A – State of California
Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train This proposition was never discussed at our meetings; however, the project as currently designed would involve running the high speed train along the existing train tracks between downtown San Diego and University City. As currently designed, this would wipe out most of what’s left of Rose Creek and plop down in the middle of Rose Canyon Open Space Park. To see the proposed corrider, click here. Who knows what other parks would take a hit. According to the ballot wording, environmental concerns would be addressed where feasable.
Don’t forget to vote!