PB Town Council hosting neighborhood grafitti paintout
The Pacific Beach Town Council Safe & Beautiful committee is inviting all of the Discover Pacific Beach Board members, members and their employees to this special cleanup event called the CLEAN PB Graffiti Day. This event will be on February 23rd from 9-1pm with Lunch and a live R&B band provided by the PB Presbyterian Church. Councilmember Faulconer will kick-off the event along with Graffiti Strike Force officers of the SDPD and others. TV cameras will be there at 9am for the launch. The goal is to knock out graffiti in PB in one fell swoop. Your business will be mixing with many people from around the community so this is a great time to get in a group and have some one-on-one time with neighbors.
Please RSVP to pbtowncouncil@sbcglobal.net at the earliest convenience.