Friends of Rose Canyon & Friends of Rose Creek & Rose Creek Watershed Alliance & City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department & San Diego Archaeological Center
Invite you to a free exhibit and talk at the Pacific Beach Library
Rose Canyon: A walk through San Diego history – Archaeological exhibit on display Sept. 1 Nov. 2, 2005
Talk: Wednesday, Nov. 2: 6:30 to 7:45 p.m.
Jim Whitaker, Education Specialist and Field Archaeologist from the San Diego Archaeological Center
Jim will show slides, hand around artifacts and answer questions
“As you save the natural resources, do not forget the cultural resources. The whole history of San Diego lies in Rose Canyon. Without the natural resource being preserved, there would be no cultural resources.”
– Jim Whitaker
Pacific Beach Taylor Branch Library, 4275 Cass St.
Info: Pacific Beach Library, 858-581-9934
Today we celebrate Rose Canyon as a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of a growing urban environment. Rose Canyon Open Space Park offers hiking trails, wildlife viewing and a place for friends and families to reconnect and relax. The Canyon was named for San Diego entrepreneur Louis Rose, and even during his time it was considered an idyllic place for a picnic.
A walk through Rose Canyon is also a walk through history from the beginnings of human habitation in the region, Spanish exploration, Californio rancheros, and early American entrepreneurial ventures to modern-day commerce. This exhibit explores the history of Rose Canyon, and you’re invited to visit this fascinating cultural landscape for yourself.”
View this exhibit on line at either:
* Friends of Rose Canyon: Click on “Canyon History”, then “Visit the virtual exhibit.”
* S. D. Archaeological Center: Click on “Virtual Museum”, scroll to Rose Canyon exhibit.