“Rose Canyon: A Walk Through History”
September thru October 2005
Pacific Beach Taylor Branch Library
4275 Cass Street at Reed Drive
(858) 581-9934
San Diego-The San Diego Archaeological Center has researched, designed and
installed an interpretive exhibit for the Pacific Beach Taylor Branch
Library. This exhibit, using archaeological collections excavated from Rose
Canyon, can be seen
September 1 thru October 31, 2005.
Today we celebrate Rose Canyon as a welcome respite from the hustle and
bustle of a growing urban environment. Rose Canyon Open Space Park offers
hiking trails, wildlife viewing and a place for friends and families to
reconnect and relax. The Canyon was named for San Diego entrepreneur Louis
Rose, and even during his time it was considered an idyllic place for a
A walk through Rose Canyon is also a walk through history from the
beginnings of human habitation in the region, Spanish exploration,
Californio rancheros, and early American entrepreneurial ventures to
modern-day commerce. This exhibit explores the history of Rose Canyon, and
you’re invited to visit this fascinating cultural landscape for yourself.
Many of the artifacts used in this exhibit were excavated before the
installation of a sewer project through Rose Canyon. Funds from the City of
San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department allowed for curation of the
artifacts at the San Diego Archaeological Center where they can be used for
research and public education.
The Center curates over 4,000 boxes archaeological artifacts and associated
documents representing over 450 archaeological sites-and the collections
continue to grow. The collections document 10,000 years of the region’s
cultural history and relate to the cultural diversity that still exists in
Southern California.
Nestled in the historic San Pasqual Valley, adjacent to the Wild Animal
Park and Battlefield State Park is the Center’s permanent facility.
Admission to the Center and Museum is free to the public during regular
operating hours Monday-Friday 9 AM to 4 PM and Second Saturdays 10 AM to 2
PM. For more information on this exhibit and other Center events Contact: acox@sandiegoarchaeology.org
Phone: (760) 291-0370